By Dr. Ewa Timek

Your skin is changing

Hormones, seasonal skin changes, and genetic predispositions all contribute to the superficial composition of our skin. Some people have oily skin while others can never seem to get enough moisture. Some cannot get rid of acne, despite numerous products and treatments. Some tend to get razor burn on the face cannot do anything about it! The first step in combatting these issues is removing the impediment that are dead skin layers to reach the lower layers which harness healing capabilities to restore the skin surface. To do this, heavy duty exfoliation is needed. Skin can be exfoliated using chemical and mechanical means, and the Microdermabrasion treatment combines both methods to remove, clean, and replenish the surface of the skin.

Four easy steps

The Microdermabrasion treatment has 4 easy steps. First, the skin is lightly washed with a warm towel to remove any dirt or impurities on the surface. Our aesthetician then applies a chemical toner to break up the glue holding together the dead skin cells and then follows up with a micropolish to begin the exfoliation process. After the chemical portion, the Microdermabrasion headpiece is taken and moved in certain “raking” motions across the face to move dead skin cells. The machine headpiece’s is a small tube with small diamond crystals on the end and adjustable vacuum suction power that effectively removes all impurities. The raking motion also moves lymph and allows deeper massage of lower skin layers. The final step is applying a light mask to take down any redness or irritation the machine could have produced. You will wake up the next day with smooth, fresh, glowy, and radiant skin!

When considering a Microdermabrasion, there are a few factors to keep in mind to maintain the longevity of the treatments.

  • We encourage lots of water drinking after the treatment. The skin will need water in order to detox and re-equilibrate after the deep massage
  • Seasonal changes can reverse the effects of Microdermabrasion. Whenever there is a drastic change in moisture in the air or temperature brought by the seasons, the skin responds accordingly. It will produce oil, break out, and layer up! Therefore, it is important to do Microdermabrasion semi-frequently in order to preserve your smooth skin
  • Sunscreen can always help reduce damage to the skin- and this is not an exclusive point to Microdermabrasion treatments. The sun can cause our skin to produce unwanted pigmentation and build up layers of dead cells, preventing our everyday products from working. Make sure to protect your healthy skin from the sun; you can’t get a Microdermabrasion with a sunburn

Prepare for bigger services

In general, Microdermabrasion has powerful exfoliative capabilities that allow it to prepare the skin for bigger services such as lasers and Microneedling. It can also be coupled with a steamer, cosmeceutical masks, or chemical peels. Great to have done before a big event, Microdermabrasion will allow better product penetration, smooth skin, and a fresh canvas for makeup. Microdermabrasion is a versatile tool with the ability to aid your skin in achieving its optimal health!