IPL – A Gentle And Effective Solution To Your Aesthetic Concerns
Minimally invasive therapies Ah, aging. The much-looked-forward-to yet dreaded stage of our lives when superficial flaws become evident on the skin. With the progress of science, new minimally invasive therapies to combat fine lines, wrinkles, removal of sunspots, and other unwanted blemishes have been developed to reverse the appearance of age. These treatments include volumizers, muscle relaxers, facial […]
The magic of chemical peels and their cousin, dermaplaning
Your skin requires a complete restructuration Ah, the topic of skincare once again! There exist hundreds of face masks, peels, and topical treatments in the world of cosmetics that claim to effectively and dramatically improve your skin. The vast realm of these skincare options can make it difficult to obtain and continue to use a […]
End of Summer
The role of hormones They relay messages between organs, coordinate activities in the body, create our instinctive reactions, and play a main role in shaping the preadolescent and adolescent part of everyone’s lives. The physical effects hormones have on the body become increasingly apparent with age, beginning with acne during one’s teenage years. Redness, oil, […]
Turn your scars into stars
Scar management Scar rehabilitation is the restoring of form and function in scar patients. There are multiple therapeutic approaches have been used in scar management, including surgery (z-plasty), physical therapy, compression, silicone sheeting, corticosteroid therapy, and laser therapy. Leading the way in scar treatments are lasers, which are a scientifically precise and effective treatment modality to […]
Look on the bright side
UVA and UVB The sun is the source of energy that sustains life, but accumulated exposure without proper protection has negative consequences. The main types of rays that damage our skin are UVA and UVB. This damage manifests itself in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, laxity, and discoloration, but the most dangerous consequence is […]
Are you too “vein”?
Spider veins and varicose veins Spider veins, or telangiectasia, are those small red, blue and purple blood vessels that appear most frequently on the face and thighs. Unsightly veins may appear in any area of the body. Varicose veins are usually larger than ¼ inch in diameter and may appear raised with a bluish color. […]
Don’t let your hands give you away!
Your hands are showing signs of aging “I feel old only when I look at my hands or at myself in the mirror.” John Updike Hands are one of the first parts of the body to show signs of aging because they receive so much exposure. Sunlight, the elements, and the natural aging process all […]
Fat Fusion - why do we transfer fat?
What is fat grafting? Fat transfer surgery known also as fat grafting is a surgical technique when patient’s own fat is harvested from the unwanted areas of the body and transferred to the treatment area. Fat harvest is carried out using liposuction. The obtained fat (lipoaspirate) is then prepared and injected into the desired site. The common areas […]